12-07-2009 Kane Nelson presents Society Sundays 001

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i´m sooo sorry but i have to leave you guys and girls :( neeed to get some sleep hopefully tonight :blink: have a great trancy night and sweet trance dreams later on :sleeping:

i´m sooo sorry but i have to leave you guys and girls :( neeed to get some sleep hopefully tonight :blink: have a great trancy night and sweet trance dreams later on :sleeping:

Night :wave:
find ....for got her name have it on my tongue...
big tune now:super::super::super:
Crossed the water by ship too ( for fun, cruising a few hours ) :grinning:

The peninsula in the 3rd.picture,world's most historical place...:bravo:
This tune rox:super::super::super:
i´m sooo sorry but i have to leave you guys and girls :( neeed to get some sleep hopefully tonight :blink: have a great trancy night and sweet trance dreams later on :sleeping:


bye Ollie :(

nights :hug:
