12-07-2009 Kane Nelson presents Society Sundays 001

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i´m sooo sorry but i have to leave you guys and girls :( neeed to get some sleep hopefully tonight :blink: have a great trancy night and sweet trance dreams later on :sleeping:


Nite ollie...Sleep well...Sweet dreams...:sleeping::hug:
* once again : welcome at Afterhours.fm Forum !

Oooh I can see a Dingle in the thread! :wave: :welcome:

Lazarus, patch44, danmark_ori+, TeroA+, KaneNelson+, Junior+, DJ Eunostos+, ollie+, evyqueen87, Squall+, Altered-Mind+, T-Rance+, JeffreySource+, SciLog1c+, scarlett+, L33C, avoice217, PhilMetcalfe+, kevdig00

Thursday, 11-12-2008, 04:59 AM #1509
AH Listener

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KaneNelson is online now :wave:
Join Date: Nov 2008

Posts: 36 :bravo: 4 first post: <- click me !
* Welcome :welcome: at :ah: Afterhours.FM :loveah: Forum
:grinning: KaneNelson ! *
Tuned in late so I didn't listen long but the part I heard was great :bravo:
i´m sooo sorry but i have to leave you guys and girls :( neeed to get some sleep hopefully tonight :blink: have a great trancy night and sweet trance dreams later on :sleeping:


take care ollie ! :friends:
:dance::music: :music::music::dance:
:lol: ill noize :choon::super:
