16-03-2008 JzL - Diatonic Chromatica

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w00t :choon: :mml:

damn..can't remember the name of this one to save my life :music:

In Poland we had maybe 1-2 weeks of snow, this year winter was very dry

take some of ours lol...we had 30cms in one day :P :lol:
i m late? just woke up now and right in time:super::super:

Carl B - Chasing Leaves:super::super:

Hello Jzl:hug:
i hear some Viridian - Sunhump :mml:
a few more weeks and the snow will be gone ...... hopefully ;)


Yeah! I can't wait..........Apparently there wi'll another storm on tuesday In the T-dot area:(.....I remain positive soon it w'll be all-over haha:grinning:

Nice set so far .. JzL...:grinning:

Thats crazy .... we didnt even get at all ... crazyness

yeah, i'm glad we don't have snow around here, well at least here in Lisbon, but in the North and in the interior snows:)

Yeah! I can't wait..........Apparently there wi'll another storm on tuesday In the T-dot area:(.....I remain positive soon it w'll be all-over haha:grinning:

Nice set so far .. JzL...:grinning:


Thanks m8! I'm happy your liking it :)
heya tutmeme thanks for stopping and saying hello :)
