Have to go
Take care.
Have to go
Why am I thinking we're gonna end with psy on our hands?
That is the problem.. in general community and music changes with time, hardcores don't change and internet whining ensues. You either adapt or get stuck... Yes there is always underground you can go to to get what you want but (un)fortunately it's not the case with the mainstream.. I don't like where it's going too but heck if it's going to stop me from loving this music... mainstream still have some good music too, and you still can have fun at big events...That's true. And that's also part of why people don't change. They are not sure where the change will take them ... and when you're selling 10000s of records ... are you ready to change
Why am I thinking we're gonna end with psy on our hands?
dub mix please
and im probably that b*tch xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD