22-07-2007 Titu present Melting Point 006

Me too...this is the last remix from Lustral...hahaha I promise hahaha
6. Roland Klinkenberg Feat. DJ Remy - Mexico Can Wait (Original) [GU]
8. Luca Ricci Pres. Ventunesimo Secolo - Tribute To San Francesco D'assisi (Chris Micali Remix) [Aenaria Chill]
9. Benz and Md - The Sundowner (original mix)[Aurium recordings]
Titu,could not be better debut set,quite great progressive, your mix smooth and tracks so sweet enjoyed mucho mucho mucho,thanks for playing!

And it's very good to see and hear more Spanish talents here at AH.fm,I am glad you joined dj's crew.

deserves a replay btw!
Thank you very much for listening! Thank you again to all the staff...specially to Jelly, who today is out of the city. The next month more Melting Point!!!!!!!!!!
Hahahaha....stop...I'm getting red! hahaha Thx Tomek and Sacha! :star:
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immmmm hereeeeee!!! but late xDDD im so so sorry but it was impossible to me be here with u dancing and shouting, titu i love uu!! make me a baby lol :lmao: :lmao:

nice comments i can read... well, do u know... i know who is the boss, so im going to ask him for a replay hahahahaha, but im sure this episode was wonderfulllllll!!!!! melting point comes back!!!!!!!!!!

No problem Jelly....your spirit was here with us!....
I love you lokitaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
catching a replay right now

sounds lovely
Nice relaxing tune :D but I must go now.. :( Oh I wait a bit :P
