22-10-2008 ADE - Armada Night

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Hi Armin!

You made a great Set tonight as well as always.
I would like To ask you some qoustoins. Well my first one, What was your Opinion of this years Balaton Sound? When will you visit Hungary next time? Is it possible to do here an Armin Only? Or somewhere next to us in the future? There is Also a Rumour that you will play @ Hungarian Sensation White in 2009 will it be possible?

Thanks for answering!

Cheers Man :beer2: :super:


Another Massive track. Armin is on fire, awesome!!!!!!
Arney the melody master.
love the breakdown in this tune !!! Excellent !

Okey Im sorry, a new question for Armin then which I really would love to get an answer to! :D

How demanding is it to produce/compile a weekly ASoT radioshow?
Question for Armin:

Who is going to be playing with you at Armin:Only in LA for NYE?

Luther from United States...
ask him this, when is he moving asot over to AH.FM :)

just joking
Question for armin:

will there ever be a follow up to his track "rush hour"?

Erik from USA :grinning:
need some super 8 and TAB
New York City
