You still breathing over there?
You still breathing over there?
Breathing. But don't know what to say about above one.
And why not?
Don't know how to take it ? Probably as a forum joke. Easier.
Why not take it for face value?
Would be too complicated. Especially now. It was a joke then.
You sure it was a joke? :angel:
so, what was the joke ? details please.
Just read last two pages.
Hello by the way
I tend to make girls speechless. But, not in the romantic way. The kind of speechless where they contemplate the many ways to give me a slow and painful death.
oh ! really ?
do i smell some "girl conspiration theory" ?
hello how r u doing today ? :grinning:
element is in love i guess.
No, I am just fucking incompetent when it comes to females.