The Cat Lady, Katadunkass, SadYear, Tekiu, Sypher, sanyekk, Altered-Mind, t4e, playdoh, Android, Estevez, Skullita, CuNego, wailo, Margoss, Darlene, ahnfeldt, Squall, FlyAway, martinek8383, mysteria, apocalypse_now, NamuraZen, although, trancer5007, DJCanedo, evyqueen87, BassT4ken, andrzej_w@lker, TimmyNether, the bee, OsCaR89, Cloud 88, Mystiv, Diane, marco18, juan_ito, Trifix, Szymek, aakos, zoperto, existent, SciLog1c, showwmann, andreasn, faeldix, Bobster^^, fill, jddavid86, xander2v2, Andrew Mallet, Neoquinx, HakanN, xXJose Aka AmadeusXx, Lazarus, Tomek, DJ Strahl, SUNNY TOMORROW, cesarislas_, COsMiC-Ray, Bombon, zegan, INSBURG, jessman1128, AnGHeLL, DjDTM, Celler, DJCesar, Bitzi, ollie, tumba, BASGTA, PuppetMaster, gomez92, singularity, boww!, MGr, Veroxx, Enforcer25, fernie, CVic, Fast Distance, Zul, Korai, piccoli
very hard to catch with others with forum speed
i think we wont get some really great trance classix by B and J.. :S
anyway great sound atm
Man i dont so many Great Tracks 2008! I listenign Trance a lot og ages ago so you better agree:grinning2:
But hmm The Blank & Joens hours sucks i guess
eheh, for me, I knew only 2006, 2007 and 2008.
2008 > 2007 > 2006 but maybe 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 > 2008, I don't know. Anyway, I'm liking what I had to listen this yeat
Well I am off now guys, will probably be back in a few hours.
Talk to you later and take care