I found the source..and I don't think it's too credible..even if it sounds pro.
"<table id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">
</td> <td class="word"> trance </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_280839">
2334 up,
460 down </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2"> By far the best form of music that exists. A recent study showed that if a population is divided into musical preference, those who claim a strong allegiance to trance have the highest average IQ."
Urban Dictionary
oh here's another one..
<table id="entries"><tbody><tr><td class="index">
</td> <td class="word"> trance </td> <td class="tools" id="tools_1189348">
623 up,
125 down </td> </tr> <tr> <td>
</td> <td class="text" colspan="2"> The most sublime, divine, advanced music genre known to man, representing a quantum leap in artistic creativity analogous to the development of the frontal lobe in the human brain. Having an IQ below 130 renders one incapable of apreciating, let alone enjoying trance. Being a connoisseur of trance bespeaks of extremely high intelligence and impeccable level of personal sophistication. On the other hand, those who despise trance can uniformly be characterized as primtive troglodytes, closer to ape than man.
Funny one ^^^