29-06-2010 Portugal in the Mix 002

Which sets did you enjoy?

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Thanks everyone for the nice words, too bad I couldn't play some new choons because they weren't finished yet at the time I made this mix / couldn't spoil them yet (like 10 months before release or smt lol) :P

Btw if the facebook link isn't working, for some reason... just search for me there. Nery or José Nery or something :choon:
Oh, cant stay any longer, going to :sleeping: now
Massive event btw, I rly enjoyed it, heard smth about ~~10 sets :)
Thanks everyone for the nice words, too bad I couldn't play some new choons because they weren't finished yet at the time I made this mix / couldn't spoil them yet (like 10 months before release or smt lol) :P

Btw if the facebook link isn't working, for some reason... just search for me there. Nery or José Nery or something :choon:

Keep it up mate! Loving the mix so far. Will the track list be posted up once its finished? :dance:
and>onand>onand>onand>onand>onand>onand>onand>on the music goes

Oh, cant stay any longer, going to :sleeping: now
Massive event btw, I rly enjoyed it, heard smth about ~~10 sets :)

:friends: sleep well SciLog1c ! :grinning: :sleeping: :bravo:
Thanks everyone for the nice words, too bad I couldn't play some new choons because they weren't finished yet at the time I made this mix / couldn't spoil them yet (like 10 months before release or smt lol) :P

Btw if the facebook link isn't working, for some reason... just search for me there. Nery or José Nery or something :choon:

no problem buddy, keep doing the good job, the sky is your limit...

nice set...:friends:
Thanks everyone for the nice words, too bad I couldn't play some new choons because they weren't finished yet at the time I made this mix / couldn't spoil them yet (like 10 months before release or smt lol) :P

Btw if the facebook link isn't working, for some reason... just search for me there. Nery or José Nery or something :choon:

:lol: everyone is adding you now :megacrazy:

:iagree: :choon: :super: :bravo:
:) :hug: dag Nostradamus :wave: wish you a good ' beauty sleep ' :ee: ! :bravo:
:good2: :super:
Well, I´m tuned in quite often but not always logged in. No time to sleep yet. Having a friend over for the moment, listen to this good music:friends::megacrazy::megacrazy::megacrazy::megacrazy:
me 2 :iagree: i have the set from last year on my desktop, listen to it from time 2 time, thats why im very looking forward and curious hearing his set :megacrazy:

Hi hope u can listen my set ollie :D
20 tunes in one hour :super:
Hello Ruben:hug:

Yes, that´s an excellent set from Nery...
I can´t listen to Diogo´s "Blue Kore" gotta listen later as like the rest of them, including yours:dance:

Gotta go to bed meanwhile...:sleeping:

Hey m8, don't worry ;)
I'll post my set on Soundstation's forum ;)
U can download it after :)
Nery, this is just simply, your best track, it´s hard to choose from your discography, but this one, jesus, it´s shivering all the planet!!!!:dance:
