29-12-2010 End of Year Countdown 2010

What set(s) did you enjoy the most?

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But I like Greece, Greek food and some of the wines, mythology, philosophers...

Damn, I think I have to learn the language as well :megacrazy::megacrazy::megacrazy:
Well if you are into Greek culture so much you should definetely give it a try with the language!!!:bravo::friends::friends::friends:
@ xasx : I was talking with fc about "him" if I can say this.. @ fc : OKAY astept ! :D
this is defently good classic set with some classic you dont hear in every "regular" classic set

you know what i mean. handselectet
you're welcome! feel better, dr's orders! :)

You are the 2nd doctor for me today acutally :)

I hope the combination of antibiotics, the magic island that I just left as well especially your great music will welp...well I am pretty sure it will..:)

Thank you :hug:
