Yeah definitely :grinning:
Great set only unfortunately I have to go work for a few hours, Enjoy the rest of France in the mix all :grinning:
take care
Yeah definitely :grinning:
Great set only unfortunately I have to go work for a few hours, Enjoy the rest of France in the mix all :grinning:
practicei'll score very low
You're going to pass me with number of posts soon I'm afraid
lol ok :tongue:practice
How you make these perfect smiley Arches and Diamonds I'll never know.
yes, but not that is important
Yeah definitely :grinning:
Great set only unfortunately I have to go work for a few hours, Enjoy the rest of France in the mix all :grinning:
ok lol salut alors !! Désolée ca parait un peu prétentieux mais je traine sur pas mal d forum et des fois des gens me reconnaissent de forum en forum sns avoir le meme pseudo ... get lost sometimes !Non, on ne se connait pas. Je voulais simplement te saluer.
/me moves her dreadlocks xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
/me moves her dreadlocks xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
:grinning::grinning:i don't like this track and remix, same problem i say, it's a mistake bring this rock tracks to EDM