guess i'll have 2 download now
anyways all im kinda short of time now, gotta run
sasha time
I'm doing just fine. It's nice and hot, my pool will be perfect this evening. I'm being a little lazy, not going to do my house chores until tomorrow after Mass. I did, however, work all the way through the "cat backlog list" for the nonprofit org that I do volunteer work for. It's called PALS (Prevent-A-Litter). We help people in need get their pets fixed. :grinning:
PALS: Prevent A Litter of Central Texas
hey A-M that track on your sig is released yet?
guess i'll have 2 download now
anyways all im kinda short of time now, gotta run
sasha time
That's very nice of you,TCL...:grinning::grinning:
hey A-M that track on your sig is released yet?
Sounds like you were a lot busy and having a nice deserved bit of relaxation.
Your pool sounds fantastic right about now...103 degrees Farenheit over here in the San Joaquin Valley....ugh, will be glad when winter sets in eventually.
It might in the few times i meet a DJ/Producer online in some forum that is why i ask too many things in the same time i am sorry! (I am a music addict as well that is the main reason i guess :blush:
That is a pain in the ass i mean the messing out since that guy left! I hope you did not had plans to release more tracks right?I mean since that guy you are referring left beside the mess he create he also done a delay in the releasing part.
It was a great thing you moved to Longon/England because - my opinion - you will def have more chances for gigs,producing part and ofcource collaboration!
Dont think i am an expert - i am not ofcource - just full of ideas hehe!Its a shame that i do not involve in the music industry :blush:
it took him few months to see that :tongue: