fill, fernie, uplifting, Yanyia, apocalypse_now, malka, nachoPD, Duc, DJ MaPaX, Lokki, piccoli, Matyjasz, DJ Strahl, errrrrrik, raul1008, motiv8, Suceed, tab16, jedrek, pag42084, AndrewWeiss, trace of trance, DreamWest, hardermach, Trifix, NamuraZen, chris41, TeroA, karybdeandscylla, DhumKetu, Newman81, a'ndY, NP__, xboxappl, TranceMagic, crillo, Marana, playdoh, Jd Saturno, ctyg4e
Hello guys
I'm here just for a couple of minutes,cause i want to wish you a Happy New Year!!!
May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your life. Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.
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Hello guys

I'm here just for a couple of minutes,cause i want to wish you a Happy New Year!!!
May this New Year bring newly found prosperity, love, happiness and delight in your life. Be always at war with your vices, at peace with your neighbors, and let each New Year find you a better person.

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