Thank you all (Shaqie, Vinid, Aku&ghazaly, Valt Fox) for the advices. I'll follow up everything you have said to me
@Shaqie: Yes you're production is hard...I know. I didn't expect to make a track in a moment..because that's impossible! The beautiful things are always slow to create...and this applies also to music
@Aku&ghazaly: Yes you're right, in fact I've already seen some of those videos...but in that way you don't copy, and I want to make my style. I've learned DJing myself and will do the same with music composition and creation
@Vinid: The music theory is the base of the music. Without that everything else makes nonsense. I've found some sites about that that also have the "note ear training". I think it's useful to recognize correctly the sounds...and in a firther step to write down a note that I imagine