Make forum register only?

make forum register only to read posts?

  • yeah make it register only

    Votes: 23 27.1%
  • leave it the way it is

    Votes: 62 72.9%

  • Total voters


Staff member
May 1, 2006
Reaction score
I wanted your input on this, some people say make it register only and some say keep it the way it is to view and read threads... tell me what you think?

I say register cause then the leechers will stay away and hopefully the forum will get more users also, not just guests :)
In time, the forum will get more users either way, but actually, i think more users will join if you leave it open to read. That way, people can have a look around and see what we're all about, and decide if they wanna sign up. People don't like to sign up before they know what they're signing up for.

My 0,02 $
thanks guys...
i need to hear everyones input
don be shy speak out
Marius said:
In time, the forum will get more users either way, but actually, i think more users will join if you leave it open to read. That way, people can have a look around and see what we're all about, and decide if they wanna sign up. People don't like to sign up before they know what they're signing up for.

My 0,02 $

I agree with Marius. At the moment people can look and browse, and then create an account if they decide to be part of the community. If you "force" people to sign up...then 80% of visitors will put it into the "too hard" basket and won't bother.

In effect - we'll be shutting ourselves out.
Leave it open. I would be less likely to join a site if it was register only. I know alot of people that would end up doing the same. I figure keep it open so that people have a choice. It will attract more people I figure!
jedrekmaly said:
Leave it open. I would be less likely to join a site if it was register only. I know alot of people that would end up doing the same. I figure keep it open so that people have a choice. It will attract more people I figure!


Register only would be a bad idea!
DreamensioN said:
I agree with Marius. At the moment people can look and browse, and then create an account if they decide to be part of the community. If you "force" people to sign up...then 80% of visitors will put it into the "too hard" basket and won't bother.

In effect - we'll be shutting ourselves out.

you guys do have a good point there tho!
Keep it the way it is, therefore we will proceed to get more people joining instead. If you make everyone register only then we won't be seeing a lot of people because some people will just get too lazy to register.

Hands down, I think it's great the way it is. :)
I would like to leave it open until the listener base is up a bit more. You need people to know what afterhours is all about and what makes this station different from others. It also makes the DJ's here more accessible too. Guests can read up on what their favorite DJ is posting. Closing the forum like you suggested will drop the exposure with the search engines as well.

i agree, to keep it open for the meantime is a good thing.
could (i guess) restrict access to certain parts of the forum should it become necessary to unregistered people. but for now i say, if it aint broke, dont fix it

i think u should keep general chat things open
but thats about it
that way itll attract people to join, and see what we have
thank you for the great feedback, i really appreciate it. If you have any suggestions please post, I want to do my best to make this community grow and play best music available. We all exclusive, exclusive sets only for and @ Afterhours. :)

thank you all for making this happen and helping out afterhours grow. Good things are on the way!
i'm back and oh yes yes, leave it the way it is. some (lots) of people can't register onto this page (due to internet connection yada yada) but it's nice to see from other viewers what's going on
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leave it ...
and if there will be ever a special stuff witch you like to give only forum members you can limit that ...
I havent seen marius around much.. anyone know where he is?

thank you all for feedback, it will stay open.
