NK Radio - 207 Nu Spirit & Liam Melly on AH.FM 05-09-2023

When the winter comes
When these are memories
When there is only
To journey on

When your race is run
Who will take care of me?
Who will be proud of me
When you are gone?

Show me love
Show me love

Show me love
Bring me light
Give me strength
For the fight

Show me where I should start
Lead me home
Through the hеart
Show me love
Show me lovе

When the winter breaks
These precious times we share
I will not feel despair
I will be strong
Yeah. If you see someone for the first time on a given day you say "good say" (Dzień dobry. Dobry den in Czech?). If you see the same person, you don't say it. You can say "good evening" (Dobry wieczór. Dobry vecer?) in the evening when seeing the same person. It's like that - in short :)
Exactly! We have simply similar languages :)
When the winter comes
When these are memories
When there is only
To journey on

When your race is run
Who will take care of me?
Who will be proud of me
When you are gone?

Show me love
Show me love

Show me love
Bring me light
Give me strength
For the fight

Show me where I should start
Lead me home
Through the hеart
Show me love
Show me lovе

When the winter breaks
These precious times we share
I will not feel despair
I will be strong

NK Radio - 207 Liam Melly guest mix :dance::dance:

@JaVa Sorry, I meant "szukać" - to look for :lolz: Not broken :lolz: I wanted to say: "Szukamy bankomatu." (We're looking for an ATM.) :lolz:
