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The Off-topic Random Thread

I'm glad you asked :)

"A new experiment appears to provide further evidence that Einstein may have been wrong when he laid down that nothing could go faster than the speed of light, a theory that underpins modern thinking on how the universe works." :book:

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my question. :friends:
And a big wtf to Young Free :ee:

Well, you can't really say Einstein was wrong as he never stated "nothing can move faster than the speed of light", also known as FTL, through his General Theory of Relativity. It is actually a consequence of his equation E = mc^2. The statement of FTL came on later when the calculations were made.
The Special Theory of Relativity states an equivalence of mass and energy. Mass–energy equivalence is also a consequence of special relativity.

The neutrinos, which have been discovered to move faster than light, is still a huge mystery as we don't know much about them. If you calculate them through the known equations of quantum mechanics it suggests that this is the first evidence of the fifth dimension.
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And a big wtf to Young Free :ee:

Well, you can't really say Einstein was wrong as he never stated "nothing can move faster than the speed of light", also known as FTL, through his General Theory of Relativity. It is actually a consequence of his equation E = mc^2. The statement of FTL came on later when the calculations were made.
The Special Theory of Relativity states an equivalence of mass and energy. Mass–energy equivalence is also a consequence of special relativity.

The neutrinos, which have been discovered to move faster than light, is still a huge mystery as we don't know much about them. If you calculate them through the known equations of quantum mechanics it suggests that this is the first evidence of the fifth dimension.

I'm glad you have joined our conversation! :)
And a big wtf to Young Free :ee:

Well, you can't really say Einstein was wrong as he never stated "nothing can move faster than the speed of light", also known as FTL, through his General Theory of Relativity. It is actually a consequence of his equation E = mc^2. The statement of FTL came on later when the calculations were made.
The Special Theory of Relativity states an equivalence of mass and energy. Mass–energy equivalence is also a consequence of special relativity.

The neutrinos, which have been discovered to move faster than light, is still a huge mystery as we don't know much about them. If you calculate them through the known equations of quantum mechanics it suggests that this is the first evidence of the fifth dimension.

Thanks for the explanation! :friends: Indeed an interesting puzzle :book:
Could it be they are both right? :hmmm: :cap:

Could it be they are both right? :hmmm: :cap:
M-theory predicts that the universe has 11 dimension, the 3 we know of, time and 7 others which are so small they are impossible to detect directly. In this theory this universe is a membrane with "waves" just like if you throw a stone in the water.
The point here is that we, humans, matter, photons, galaxies and so on, everything from the largest scale to the smallest only can "travel" on these waves. Dark neutrinos can travel through these waves just like gravitons, which are believed to "make" gravity.
So, when they at OPERA shoots photons from one point to another, the photons need to travel on the waves while neutrinos can travel through the waves. That way it seems they can travel faster than light.
But it is all about quantum mechanics which is some of the most complex and difficult areas in modern science, maybe even the most difficult thing to understand at all.
But it seems like more news will come today, so looking forward to it :)
Cool number :)

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Here comes random :megacrazy: and :mario:
I am back but I am a random and if I did not say, no one would ever notice. :bully:
Now that's a relevant title :)

Android - Who is Putin (Original Mix)

Are any fellow AH.fm crew going to be at Luminosity Beach Festival 2012?

I have sorted out everything and will be going there by myself, since my friends have all long left their partying days behind them.

It would be nice to meet some faces behind nicknames here! :friends: :cap:
Are any fellow AH.fm crew going to be at Luminosity Beach Festival 2012?

I have sorted out everything and will be going there by myself, since my friends have all long left their partying days behind them.

It would be nice to meet some faces behind nicknames here! :friends: :cap:

Could be :) :)

Make a thread on upcoming events and see who joins in :)

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