TrancePodium 9th Year Anniversary on AH.FM 29-10-2015

What do you think of this show?

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Sunset Boulevard!! Yes, amazing track and remix from Dan

This set from PVD has been epic
I got tickets to both :) SoCal going for sure. NoCal I'll wait and see how my work situation plays out (I'm trying to move to Seattle)
Wish I could attend SoCal.
Good luck in Seattle; for work?

This set from PVD has been epic

For a second I thought Checo was back online! He has the same avatar as you.

And yea, PVD did a great set, nice build up
2009 I believe

Yea, moving for work, if everything plays out. Than I'll have SF, LA, Seattle and Vancouver as trance destinations :)
Think we can call it classic. Played regularly.

Have you been attending Bal en Blanc?
