I wonder what the deal was that they actually had to edit it. :tongue:
At no point did I think you were annoyed or anything. You made a lot of valid points and corrected me when I was wrong. That, I highly appreciate.

I should be the one appologizing. It might have sounded like I was irritated or something, and honestly I was not. It can be very hard to read the tone of voice in a thread like this.
I really enjoy having converstations that are not always related to the topic at hand. They become very interesting.

Each side makes valid points and has their own opinions/beliefs. Whether they are right or wrong, that's a different story and honestly it doesn't matter. Because in the end if you strongly believe in something, then voice your opinion about it. People will let you know what they think and may even correct you (as you did). That's the beauty about having these sort of discussions - you learn more and more valuable things.