Word Morph (game)

Btw .. plz make it a rule that more than one letter can be replaced or a letter added or reduced from the word, at particular points for the continuation of the game.
Haa Haa .... try it Ronny .... it sure goes interesting .... we are playing this in another community for almost 1.5 yrs now.
Btw .. plz make it a rule that more than one letter can be replaced or a letter added or reduced from the word, at particular points for the continuation of the game.

well i thought he idea was to see who gets stuck than we could have a new word :)...but at the same time suggestions are welcome from all players, i will change the rules on the first post than :)

Rules Updates:

- to form new word you can either
*change a letter
*remove a letter
*all of the above

- lets try not do use the same word twice, at least not within few posts of each other...
