Just like me mate. Just like me! I see the forums switched over to yahoo API's. Two weeks is a long time
Hi mate ! Hello to gomez92 too
Well, I'll listen and give my opinion then My 2nd set is soon there, please check it :grinning:
Thanks! Yes, I like it! How is it in France, also nice warm weather?
Hey Wolverine! Yes, I was busy for a long time, but now I was here, listening tonight
LOL to Casanova
i am ok, relaxing now after a busy day at work
Hi mate ! Hello to gomez92 too
Yes it's terrible to have so much to do. Indeed 2 weeks... Same here Missed so much great s ...
But then everything is again fresh and I'm glad I'm not forgotten :grinning:
Always a pleasure. I missed part of the show unfortunately Hope you'll put it somewhere to DL. I have four times faster internet link now (and a symmetric one - OH YEAH!) so I can dl it relatively fast. Just point me to the right direction
hehe.... have a look @ Pure Trance Pleasure presented by Karybde & Scylla ! in the download section you could download most of ptp shows and this one will be online in few hours...
Carefull the website is in french but easy to navigate ^^
yeah Mate ^^ the weather is shiny and warm in France too ... hehe... it give us the time to do more summerish tracks ! lol
Where are you from marco18 ?
No worries. I'm glad I'm not forgotten
SHIIIIIT!!! I just spoiled my beer over my laptop
Ah... That's a pity... :LMAO: But it seems still working..?? Well, here's a new beer , and you know... you can also have mine
No, serious: I hope everything's well with your laptop?