22-10-2008 ADE - Armada Night

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thank you mate, its whats AH is about, pure professionalism :)
were here for music and the community !!:friends:

hopefully more live broadcasts of schulz in near future.

yeah that would be cool.

if you can hear a recomendation from me.

well video stream is ok, but i have a slow connection right now. 256k :(
video frozen sometimes. maybe if you can drop a lowbitrate video stream next time. :)
Hey guys I'm back!

I had to sit through a two hour movie in class about tourism and debt. Ugh.

Did Markus answer my question, perchance? :)

He did actually. :)

He said his days of dressing up are long gone, lol. :P

Right, I really am off to bed now, goodnight guys! :) :friends:
here we go with the ISP drops every 5 minutes again...verizon must really not like EDM. >.>
im good, not doing much actually these days.. enjoying the last set before I sleep, and you?
been here since before andy's set this morning and still here...and tomorrow too...HOPEFULLY
