30-01-2009 Luminosity DJ Contest

Vote for your favorite sets

  • Total voters
its obvious friends are voting for dj's they have heard before, i know who im voting for but i havn't voted yet!:friends:
Great tune
no...the rules state that the public vote only contributes to 10% of the judging process, the rest goes off track selection, mixing, technical ability and so on.
just aswell this only countsas 10% it is rediculous that djs are getting votes whn eyre mix hasnt even been aired

Yeah, but how come the voting was open so soon. If people are voting without listening then there is no point to having the system. All your getting is a false result. And apparently according to the rules the voting only has a minority importance. I'm not sure why they even bothered with it, if it has so little meaning in the end:dontknow:
Yeah, but how come the voting was open so soon. If people are voting without listening then there is no point to having the system. All your getting is a false result.
Would that really change the result much? Those same people would vote same no matter what but it would just happen in the end of this contest.
