yeah,always wanted to put a cat,i found this one throwing a mouse and i chose it
aaaaaaaaaaaaaw how cuuuuuuuuuuute
yeah,always wanted to put a cat,i found this one throwing a mouse and i chose it
Ahhhhh. One of the enlightened few. I'll bet that, in general, women like you. I do. (kiss)
cooolIt's fantastic! I LOVE it! That's exactly what my Suzie does with her voles! (kiss)
check it again,i edited that post with the pic
ollieeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaw how cuuuuuuuuuuute
yeah,i saw thati edited my post as well :tongue:
Винитцкий порадовал! DSI - спасибо тебе за вечернее настроение! Слушаю тебя и собираюсь открыть эти выходные! Молодец!
i like fried chicken too!
HELLO THERE WELCOME TO AFTERHOURS.FMВинитцкий порадовал! DSI - спасибо тебе за вечернее настроение! Слушаю тебя и собираюсь открыть эти выходные! Молодец!
to be honest should i want to look like a male model to fit on society expectations? i dont care a shit of that.... i know i have lil extra but still can be attractive.... did I really say that? i can get rid of it but im not doing it because i want look better but living healthier :grinning:
i like fried chicken too!
i like fried chicken too!
to be honest should i want to look like a male model to fit on society expectations? i dont care a shit of that.... i know i have lil extra but still can be attractive.... did I really say that? i can get rid of it but im not doing it because i want look better but living healthier :grinning:
Cats love chicken. They are delicious.