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you guys can add yourselves here if you like :)
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I'm from Toronto Canada and i want say

KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK Afterhours.fm !!!!

Awesome synergy of talents and strengths with such a good support network makes Afterhours what it is! All the very best for continued success and I truly hope there is a big Afterhours event in Toronto sometime soon
Not much Trance listeners here in Lebanon, but hey...we're here to help expand the scene & most importantly to make AH.fm grow
Hey Raffi! I'm Lebanese-Canadian! there are lots of Lebanese expatriates that love trance!
2 billion people in China, and none of them visit AH?

We should check to see if AH is blocked by the Great Firewall.
by the Great Wall of China. :rofl:

i thought there was a dot, but then i scrolled down and the dot stayed the same, woops my screen is dirty:ee:

im one of the dots in the California territory:super:
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Alright, a goal for everyone: ''Make sure your country gets more dark next year! Promote!
wahaha.. sillyme :ee:
Hey Raffi! I'm Lebanese-Canadian! there are lots of Lebanese expatriates that love trance!

Hello Maher how are you?:smile:
Yes im sure there are many abroad, but here in Leb it's very little
Ok although the trance events here attract a big crowd, but they are so commercial-lovers & they go only for the 'big names'.
Imagine i can count about 5-10 djs maximum who play only Trance; & only 1-2 Trance producers
Anyone going to the Winter Music Conference in Miami next month for some fine tunes? If anyone is going, here is the line up for the Ultra Festival. Also, it would be pretty cool to hear Jonathan Martin playing there.

Day 1 Line Up
Tiesto, Bloc Party, David Guetta, Deadmau5, Santogold, The Ting Tings, Steve Lawler, Perry Farrell, Late Of The Pier, Pendulum Live, Roni Size Reprazent, Rabbit In The Moon, Carl Cox, Ritchie Hawtin, Luciano vs. Loco Dice, Swedish House Mafia, (Steve Angelo. Axwell Sebastian Ingrosso), Benny Benassi, Tiga, Dirty South, Busy P, Chris Lake
Day 2 Line Up
The Prodigy, Paul Van Dyk, Armin Van Buuren, Above & Beyond, Fedde Le Grand, Infected Mushroom, ATB, Kaskade, Markus Schulz, Francesco Rossi, Deadmau5, Bookashade, Cut Copy, Simian Mobile Disco, Chrystal Castles, m.a.n.d.y. vs tiefschwarz, Boys Noize, Hercules & Love Affair, The Presets, Kraak & Smaak Live, The Whip, Carl Cox, Moby, Erick Morillo, Pete Tong, Elio Riso, Roni Size DJ Set, Planet Of The Drums (AK1200, Dara, Diesel Boy, J Messinian), Goldie, Andy C & MC QQ, Ed Rush 7 Optical, Evol Intent Live, Chase & Status, Noisia, Subfocus, Bass Nacho & Human, Marcus Visionary, Hybrid DJ Set, Bassbin Twins, DJ Icey, Sould Of Man, Drumattic Twins, Baby Anne, Future Funk Squad Live, Storm & Johnny Dangerously, DNF ( DJ/Vocal Set)

Official Website - http://www.wintermusicconference.com/

Xothoz :music:
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Perth is the most isolated city I guess on planet Earth.
Perth feels lonely. Check out Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Europe is jam-packed. The cities in the States are obviously dispersed since their cities aren't as close as to those of Europe, but still US would be filled with AHFM lovers.

Asia needs more followers, I mean look at Philippines (I was from the Philippines now I'm at Australia).

I guess promoting more of AHFM would fill up the entire globe with AHFM dots.

Fortunately AHFM is still rocking the airwaves. I heart AHFM.
Perth is the most isolated city I guess on planet Earth.
Perth feels lonely. Check out Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane.

Europe is jam-packed. The cities in the States are obviously dispersed since their cities aren't as close as to those of Europe, but still US would be filled with AHFM lovers.

Asia needs more followers, I mean look at Philippines (I was from the Philippines now I'm at Australia).

I guess promoting more of AHFM would fill up the entire globe with AHFM dots.

Fortunately AHFM is still rocking the airwaves. I heart AHFM.

tell all your friends about us :)
when can we expect an updated map ? upto date ?
