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EOYC 2010 Community Contest Rules, Info & General Discussion

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I think not everyone is fair... someone can not listen to sets and vote for friend or person who is liked. But hope everything goes right :)
If we everyone is fair, there will not be any problem. :smile:

Absolutely right

and I will add my voice to you and say, Absolutely right. but we should be more practical and less emotional. we always have good faith in every one, but anonymity in these cases is a must! to ensure honest/unbiased feedback and avoid [...], this is all for the benefits of you, the contesters.
I am spotting facts here, and I will leave it to you to look up the thread for EOYC 2009 contest :mask:

When I saw the first post with all these links, I said to my self that I can do more useful things with my time rather than proving to MegaUpload that I am not a bot for 50 times. (waiting for someone to tell me to upgrade to premium account)

Finally, this is only a feedback, in good faith that Dan will consider it for the forthcoming contests.

Peace and Love!:friends:
I thought of making it anonymous but it was too late, anyway. It would be better. Even I could work on it, if Dan would like to or so.
All sets now listened :). Thanks all, was fun listening them :megacrazy:
So fast? :hmmm: I guess, you had some days off from work but they were still busy. :)
Well not from work (don't have one :P) but I have only two school days in a week so yeah, I have some spare time :lol:
Quick date reference:
Nov 1st - Nov 14th Thread is open you post your sets, 1 submission per DJ

and 1 nov thread has been closed this is unfair

as for me all who want participate should have chance to exist in this contest but not only 50 first persons

as for me all should have their chance at least only 13 persons will have their slot @ EOYC 2010 so no reason for only 50 persons who can participate
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