EOYC 2023 Day 9 on AH.FM 25-12-2023

Zinc helps in our body's production of melatonin, helps regulate our cicadian rythym, and is an important coenzyme that helps with immune system too, healing, neuronal migration and synaptogenesis of the brain.

It's really important to get some in ya regularly be it via diet or supplement it. Our bodies cannot make it or store it!


absolutely great... :super: other expert for circadian code!! :super: :omg: @Pavol_CH


Zinc helps in our body's production of melatonin, helps regulate our cicadian rythym, and is an important coenzyme that helps with immune system too, healing, neuronal migration and synaptogenesis of the brain.

It's really important to get some in ya regularly be it via diet or supplement it. Our bodies cannot make it or store it!


What about natural source of Zinc from the red meat, brocolli, spinach, milk products, etc.? Is it not enough? :hmmm:
167 Andy Newtz - EOYC 2023 on AH.FM

01. Kenny Palmer - Night Fallen
02. N-Sking, Thomas Lloyd - Chemical Future
What about natural source of Zinc from the red meat, brocolli, spinach, milk products, etc.? Is it not enough? :hmmm:

I don't think so about the quality of today's soil and thus the content of vitamins and minerals in food.. but we also have higher demands due to stress, a faster lifestyle, an even more polluted environment...
167 Andy Newtz - EOYC 2023 on AH.FM

01. Kenny Palmer - Night Fallen
02. N-Sking, Thomas Lloyd - Chemical Future
03. Lisa Louder & Jodie Poye - Safe Place (Craig Connelly Remix)
i completely boobietrapped the house :icecream: no familly/friendds/stupid people will disturb me today :friends: :icecream:

:lol: of course you did... hehhehe...

*note* me playing catchup on missed posts and replying :lolz:
on page 38... you are all the way on 43....

slow down darnit!! :ee: :lolz:

