Hi there :hello:
As eveyone here can see, we certainly have the best internet radio station . Listerners are constantly growing up, lots of international dj/producer are playing here ... or want to join are wonderful radio. Tiesto's set in Poland will be aired .... We get thoses MASSIVE events like NO other radio have. We could be proud of afterhours.fm ; but this superb exposure into the electronic music scene, deserve a COLLECTIVE effort.
Dan's a passionate, and he put all the time, energy and $$$ he have into this station, simply for the love of trance/electronic music , but certainly to get everyones here, the RESPECT and the EXPOSURE we need

Im sure lots of listeners here, thinking that we are sponsored and get $$$ . That's not the point . The point is : AH.FM isnt making financial benefits. AH.FM is breathing from the money of one man and some little donate here and there.
I dont want to flame someone here, but i hope everyone will be concern about this, and will get back to AH.fm, what she's giving you. Think about those 150-200 listerners you get during you show, the feed back your get about your sets, the numerous freinds & contact you made here .... And the wonderful quality of streaming & DJ's we have.
We have to covert what it cost to run AH.fm . Its a minimal RESPECT, to at least ... pay what it cost ; what it cost in term of bandwith to broadcast your 1h or 2h show

DONATE 3-5 $ per month , is NOTHING for everyone here .... Buy AH.fm t-shirt, were it at your live gigs or went going out .
It's an EMERGENCY call !!! For the health of AH.fm