Official New Users Thread !! say hello

Hello everybody!

My name is Leah and I'm from the DFW area of North Texas. (No, I don't have a horse, but I do drive a pickup truck. :)) The chihuahua in my avatar is my furry four-legged daughter, Taru.

I've been a trance addict for several years now... I like lots of styles of music, but trance always tops my list!

This station is beyond awesome, and I'm looking forward to getting to know all the cool people on here.

Trance forever!! :dance: :super: :grinning:
I'm Max and I am from Germany and I just love listening to all day long, more specific: uplifting trance :)
Guess you will see some posts from me from time to time :p
Have a nice day!
Hey listeners, DJs, crew and trance fans in general,

With my first post on the forums I'd like to introduce myself to the community. My name is Chris, I am 23 and I am from and currently living in Germany. At the moment I am studying IT Management in a small town in Bavaria, where unfortunately not so many trance events take place. The last three years I was living in the Netherlands (for study purposes as well), where that was really different, of course. :megacrazy:

My biggest passions are listening to the various kinds of trance music and besides that I spend a lot of my free time behind the computer, watching movies, doing sports and last but not least or let's better say most importantly hanging around with friends and making party.

My attention was drawn towards incidentally long time ago. I came over from another big online radio station and although I haven't been around the forums, my time tuned in to was rising constantly. For several months I am almost solely listening to afterhours now, with a few exceptions for specific shows on other stations only.

I really like the concept of and the selection of djs, sets and live broadcasts being transmitted 24/7!
I'm a huge fan of progressive and techy trance, as well as beatiful vocal trance. Sometimes when I do not listen to trance music, I tend to listen to a little bit of house, electro or minimal, but that's a rather exceptional case.

I hope to find the time for being more active on the forums from now on and want to send my greetings to all of you.
It's really great what the team does and always makes my day.
All the success for the future of

Kind regards,
Chris :music:

(For those interested my nickname is an abbreviation of my last name :D )
Off the Rails 4th Birthday

John OO Fleming -BANGIN!! Dark trance -quality!!:choon:
New to the Forum

Hey there everyone,
I just register and I've been listening to Afterhours for about a week now and WOW!!! I swear everyone song that's is played is AMAZING. Lol at least i like it .

The only thing that would make this website a bit better if the songs that are being played are posted. Maybe there already are I'm not sure/ can't find them. I'd love to expand my library :dance:! Also being a novice DJ it would really help me out :megacrazy: lol !

Anyways glad to be apart of the community.

LOVE THE MUSICCCC!!!!:dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
Hi all. Names John "Ewiec" Schaeffer. I'm from USA-Arizona. Great to be here and listen to Trance. Hope the family ready for me :D
:welcome::welcome: all new members! You've come to the right place. :best:
As I am new here, too, I'd like to thank you all for your nice initial hellos and would like to welcome the other new members myself, as well.

@PolishPrince: As far as I know, there is no automated tracklist posted, but for every broadcast there exists a forum thread (right on the start page you can click on the name of current, previous and upcoming shows) and most of the time you can find the set tracklists in the corresponding topics.

They are either posted by the djs themselves or added throughout the mix by the listening audience. So you should be able to get all the song titles if you spend a little bit of time searching the forum.
Hope I could have helped you out.

Best regards,
Here a new Dutch member... Waiting for the Luminosity Before The Energy livesets! :D Been there, it was awesome!
