Please tell us what you think?

like the forum alot.. I simply love the stream, always good music on!! seems like its many nice pepole here that really know alot about music :) Keep it up :D
Dan said:

I agree with you in·iq·ui·trance... Hopefully this community here will expand, and I think sooner or later people will see, the quality, smoothless streams, and the people so friendly to chat and commute.

I will do my best to keep it at that, were 100% non profit, hopefully one day we will brake even, cause right now its all from pocket expense. I have plans for Afterhours, good plans... but it will take some time... cant build a castle in one day as they say :)
Ha ha, I see you finally gave up and started copy-pasting my username... those dots are a nuisance, eh? :)

I'm curious though, about these plans. What do you hope to do differently? You've mentioned high quality, free streams, and friendly forums. One of the other stations has an incredibly friendly, vibrant community and great streams (when you pay), so in my mind that fits into the business category of doing it "faster or cheaper".

Any plans for doing it "better"? You did say mostly newer music, which fits in a personal preferrence category, and more personalized/able is definitely "better", but new music might lose you the old-schoolers.

What else you thinking?
A very big Welcome to The Best Friend of The Web

I want to express my best regards to a very special friend of mine that I knew some months ago...! Danmark_ori a.k.a. Polar Bear, from the Netherlands...!

He is one of the best w_ _ _e posters on da net, Dan my friend...

He attended my invitation and now becomes in a new member of The Forum, I am very happy with this new member of the community.

You will know him, and you will be agree with me

Welcome Henk, my friend...!

Acuario51, from venezuela...!:D
Acuario51 said:
I want to express my best regards to a very special friend of mine that I knew some months ago...! Danmark_ori a.k.a. Polar Bear, from the Netherlands...!

He attended my invitation and now becomes in a new member of The Forum, I am very happy with this new member of the community.

You will know him, and you will be agree with me

Welcome Henk, my friend...!
Hey, you don't get all the credit! I invited him too! >P

He's a great contributor, and the friendliest guy you can imagine.<3

in·iq·ui·trance said:
Hey, you don't get all the credit! I invited him too! >P

He's a great contributor, and the friendliest guy you can imagine.<3

Yes...! he told me this, my friend I email him yesterday and today too, he will give this forum one special touch, I am sure...!:D
DjThomasJ said:
great place awesome crew too, i dont know if you guys have one already but a chatroom i think would be great!

working on that mate... :thumbup: :thumbup: :dito:
in·iq·ui·trance said:
Ha ha, I see you finally gave up and started copy-pasting my username... those dots are a nuisance, eh? :)

I'm curious though, about these plans. What do you hope to do differently? You've mentioned high quality, free streams, and friendly forums. One of the other stations has an incredibly friendly, vibrant community and great streams (when you pay), so in my mind that fits into the business category of doing it "faster or cheaper".

Any plans for doing it "better"? You did say mostly newer music, which fits in a personal preferrence category, and more personalized/able is definitely "better", but new music might lose you the old-schoolers.

What else you thinking?

Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
Dan said:
Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
Ahhh... that's what I was looking for....

If you do "all new, all the time", then that will differentiate you too, although one of the other stations tends to stick to pretty new stuff too, except what the DJs put into their sets. Are you planning to be so new that you'll always be the first to play new releases, or will you just stick to material published in the last year or so? (different interpretations of new)
Dan said:
Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
Tricky call on the sets. I find sets are awesome for getting people talking in the forums (cause thread jumping is nuts), and obviously the transitions and mixing are better, but then sets occasionally have a track or two in the middle of them that drive people away, cause it doesn't fit the mood of the set or gets really overplayed, and it could then become a liability.

Suggestion #1A: enable voting in set threads, but only after it's done playing the first time. That will firstly encourage users to revist the thread at the end to vote, and also prevent people from voting "Awesome" right at the start.

Suggestion #1B: After the set has been replayed, allow users to change their votes. That way, if the set gets tired, the users can change their votes to let you know.
Dan said:
Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
You mention new sets from new DJs. Are you going to pursue sets from the established big names, to get a regular rotation list, or are you looking to develop new DJs who can play their sets here instead of fighting for club time? Essentially, are you looking to develop new DJs and producers? That would be a real differentiator from the other stations, I feel.

One added bonus of playing self-produced tracks is that you wouldn't have to pay broadcast royalties to the baddies at Are-Eye-Eh-Eh... ;)
Dan said:
Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
Something I'd love to see:

Suggestion #2: Periodically offer a "Vote for the next tracK" like the TV music stations do. Toss out a list of 5 songs, and let the users vote for which one they want to hear next. Then stick it into the play queue. It's another way to get people involved. I'd think that would be especially awesome after a set, where you could offer a selection of other tracks by the artists featured in the sets.

We have conversations all the time in the forums like the one in the Astrosessions 006 thread:
LMK said:
Tune of the week! Smith and Pledger - Black, brilliant track!
magik said:
i agree, played white in my set yesterday, also a great one!

So you offer Smith and Pledger - White as one of the tunes selectable to be played after the set.

Sets generate so much energy in the community/forums, anything that can keep that going will keep people here and draw them back.
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Dan said:
Quality music, new sets from new dj's, more more more and more new music, we will have a day out of the week where we play old school, another day for pure sets. time will tell I guess
Some other things I'd like:

Suggestion #3: A "Top 20/Top 50 Playlist" like mainstream broadcast stations have so that it's easy for people to discover what tracks you play. An even better idea would be to have a 24-hour date/time-stamped tracklist... so I could say, "I heard a bangin' choon at 2:45PM, but I forgot to check what it was..." So they'd look it up on the list, and you could hyper-link the song right to the AfterHours web store.

Suggestion #4: An RSS feed for the playlist, so that users can embed it into their browsers and/or homepages. "What am I listening to? Check my RSS tracklist!"

Ok, enough suggesting/spamming for now... :ciao:
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thank you for your suggestions... I will try to do best I can :)
Just call me "Iniqui Thread-Killa"

Man, this thread hasn't gone anywhere since I started into it.

Well, here's one more bit of death-in-the-guise-of-suggestion:

Suggestion #5: Auto-refresh the Now Playing and Last 5 Songs list so that we don't have to manually refesh the page to see the updated list.

This is for those of us who use players that can't/don't read the trackname metadata in the stream.
I'm just Chirpin'

In-my-wildest-dreams #1: I already mentioned an RSS feed, and it could do some of this, but an tracklist widget would be rad. Then it could display a nice little message each time a track changes.

Maybe it could let us vote on the tracks, and do a "quick reply" into the associated thread so that we could participate in the community even when our bosses being around forces us to hide the browser... ;)

Yeah, I'll end up wanting a complete "control panel" when I'm done. :P
LOL... Have to admit... they are good ideas.

I guess it comes down to how much time Dan has to implement them.
Suggestion #6: Include a "Now Playing" banner at the top of the forum pages that shows the current track only.

That way you're never far from the music, but it doesn't take much space.
There are cool things about this station.

1) The staff members are always kind to listeners and Djs alike.
2) Sets are always on time.
3) The portal page (the intro page at gives a very professional feel.
4) Re-Broadcast of sets
5) Broadcasting of single tracks.


Iniquitrance's ideas are pretty cool indeed, I just think the station needs to implement them little by little, if Dan were to put all those features at once, then there won't be new cool features to draw more people in. While little by little, there will always be something new to check out and enjoy.

Another idea is to accept unsigned promos (white labels) from producers, and play the ones the station consider is up to par to the ones have been released. Like regular radio, where the artists send their new album or track to get promotion, to the radio right? well I think this would be a way to get more people involved with , since a station that supports new artists ONLINE don't exist, there are stations like DI who used to do that, but they don't do it no more because of lack of time by the staff in charge of single tracks broadcasting. If afterhours can work in some ways as a regular radio, it would make a difference, and supporting new artists is a good way to do so.
I know there are copyleft sites that do this, but is not the same, one thing is going to a site and have the trouble of searching for hours for a cool track, and another one is being able to liste to it right off the bat.
thanks Paulo.. problem im running into now is, having the djs play, time slots are getting filled. But I will accept promos from producers anytime.
