cds are round because that way they can be used to play frisbee
where does the air come from?
the air comes from venus lol
why have the car tires?
cds are round because that way they can be used to play frisbee
where does the air come from?
Rave Anti Ducks In Oslo
who was the black knight?
because we can´t play frisbee with themthe air comes from venus lol
why have the car tires?
because we can´t play frisbee with them
why italy looks like a boot?
because they kick ass !
Why do the funny things always end that fast, while the crappy stuff keeps taking forever?
it's advertising - all the shoe fashion comes from italy. so you can see that even from space now.
why are frogs green?
because sun had that color firstwhy are they not yellow
why dose WWW stand for world wide web??
because sun had that color first
because the wrestling had two ww already
in macedonia:LMAO::LMAO:where's the question? duuhhh
because they were too old
because of time zones
why did the dinosaurs die?
because they were too old
why can't bikes have 6 wheels??
because all the people on earth are sucking the oxygen from the moon
why does UK london's train network suck?
because some smart ass just said it was sobecause it goes too fast and creates the "suction" effect
why is the sky blue?
because some smart ass just said it was so
why do we need water to survive?
so we can make beer
why don't we use our hands too, to get around like monkeys do?
because then monkeys would demand equal rights and try to run for president.
why does beer make you tired and coffee wake you up?
because that´s another covered way to control us trough as beer and coffeebecause government wants to control you awake at work, sleeping outside work.
Why do we listen to music?