What do you hate about trance?


Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
Okay so we all love trance for the most part, but is there something you hate about it?

Honestly one thing about a good number of tracks I've heard that I can't stand is when an artist puts repetitive vocals in. Hearing the same phrase of 3 words can be really annoying.

So what if anything do you not like?
bad vocals/lyrics (i.e. cheese), bleep-blop tracks, pop/rock/salsa/jazz/younameitcrap trance...i.e. any other non related genre mixed up with trance :yucky:

i wish producers will stay focused on the trance sounds and not make "mashed potatoes" out of it...so hard these days to find good tracks amongst the 'zillions" of releases :cry:
bad vocals/lyrics (i.e. cheese), bleep-blop tracks, pop/rock/salsa/jazz/younameitcrap trance...i.e. any other non related genre mixed up with trance :yucky:

i wish producers will stay focused on the trance sounds and not make "mashed potatoes" out of it...so hard these days to find good tracks amongst the 'zillions" of releases :cry:

With you on that one...
2008 was really horrible!!! There are very few solid tracks out there these days
bad vocals/lyrics (i.e. cheese), bleep-blop tracks, pop/rock/salsa/jazz/younameitcrap trance...i.e. any other non related genre mixed up with trance :yucky:

i wish producers will stay focused on the trance sounds and not make "mashed potatoes" out of it...so hard these days to find good tracks amongst the 'zillions" of releases :cry:


I also hate it when a song takes too long to build up and then the break down is short :P
i don't like pop trance (pink vocals and poor sound)
Wasting a perfectly good melody on a tech-fart noise lead lol :P

And quite alot of vocal stuff.
terrible popish i cant sing for **** vocals and waaaay too happy trancey melodies (eg: nitrous oxide remix of Sakura :wacko: )

edit: one more to add: crappy rap elements used in trance (eg: ferry corsten's remix of bring the noise by Public Enemy) :yikes: :yikes: (and sander van doorn's bootleg of timbaland ft one republic - apologies) Oh Mylanta! :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:
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I also hate it when a song takes too long to build up and then the break down is short :P
Oh yes I have to agree, some of the first progressive trance CD's I bought felt like years of slowly building beats that ended up in a letdown... no fun...
Yeah I'd have to go with the consensus that unless it's very well done, no genre crossover should be done... rap hardly belongs... salsa.. bleh... yeah there's not alot of anything that really fits... the only vocals I really like are generally the sweet female vocals without the repetition... I'm not sure if it was on AH or some other station but I remember some girl talking about how "she didn't want to work today and wanted to call her lover and tell her to come home" that kind of crap doesn't belong... might as well sing your grocery list at that point... Trance vocals with the profound revelations and emotional expressons are so much better...
bad beats and rubbish vocals :)
i hate nowadays trance. Too happy, too generic, too electro, too many vocals which make it sound like poptracks, and my biggest hate are those gay male vocals. Emo songs by softies.. blahhh!

Artists like Paul Miller and Aly & Fila get worshipped for tracks that a few years ago never would've made it to a release.. The trance public in general is satisfied way too easily; they hear a happy melody and they go crazy.
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Yeah I like happy hardcore if it's good, but that's not trance... trance should never be weighted down by too much repetition... I had an old guy come in the room and ask "isn't this stuff all the same?" I told him sure if you don't actually listen to it... I mean most contemporary country and rap sounds the same to me...
deadmau5 copycats (Inpetto, First State, Adam K & Soha, Glenn Morrison, Jerome Isma-Ae, )

bleep bloop garbage (Joop, Sied van Riel, Leon Bolier, W & W, Cosmic Gate, Re-Ward, Jonas Steur)

pop cheese (Andy Duguid, Armin van Buuren, Dash Berlin, Lange, Jose Amnesia)

lame tech trance (Jochen Miller, Richard Durand, Ali Wilson)
bleep bloop garbage (Joop, Sied van Riel, Leon Bolier, W & W, Cosmic Gate, Re-Ward, Jonas Steur)

what? lol Jerome Isma-Ae doesn't copy the deadmau5 sound

and wtf, jonas steur totally doesn't do bleep bloop garbage, wake up young man, you're living in the past.

And you should definately check out Glenn Morisson, if you say he's a deadmau5 sound copier you're totally wrong too.
what? lol Jerome Isma-Ae doesn't copy the deadmau5 sound

and wtf, jonas steur totally doesn't do bleep bloop garbage, wake up young man, you're living in the past.

And you should definately check out Glenn Morisson, if you say he's a deadmau5 sound copier you're totally wrong too.

please listen to Glenn Morrison - Contact
yes it does... same drums, same chords..
what? lol Jerome Isma-Ae doesn't copy the deadmau5 sound

and wtf, jonas steur totally doesn't do bleep bloop garbage, wake up young man, you're living in the past.

And you should definately check out Glenn Morisson, if you say he's a deadmau5 sound copier you're totally wrong too.

of course he does :lol:
and wtf, jonas steur totally doesn't do bleep bloop garbage, wake up young man, you're living in the past.

huh? isn't is the other way around? jonas steur used to do good stuff in the past (aka estuera), but then turned to bleep blop.

but to his defense: simon steur is even worse.

other than that, i have to agree with pretty much everything that has been said here so far, with the exception of dissing paul miller - he's one of the best currently IMO.
Hard trance and Psy/Goa WTF!!

Remixes of songs like Cold Play,Lenny Kravitz etc.:P
and that Celine track I mean WTF!:lol:

The new minimal sound:chair:and what's the deal with that guy wearing a mouse costume:LMAO:

Some of the new vocal tracks are horrible,I may end up joining a certain group if it keeps up!

