11-01-2008 Raneem - Beirut on Fire 007 with Cressida

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ferry corsten is coming to my city in february:super::super:
exactly my thoughts

quoting merely two next to each other pictures wasn't enought ( in this case ) to mess things up ( MS IE 7.0 only ) or ? :music:
get in line everyone, get the hose, water the garden, follow the trail..... :super: :super: :super:
is it safe for me to come out now..... :mask: :cat: :super:

eh - yeah : I'm in a good mood nasim ! :) :hug:

your range of external smiley's caused a small stir at AH Forums ! :mask:
CHOOOOOOOOOOON !!! what a bassline.... wooooohooooooo ....... :dancing:

MLS in fire inside beirut over and out........... :dancing:

Hi Nasim. (kiss) :hug::cat:
eh - yeah : I'm in a good mood nasim ! :) :hug:

your range of external smiley's caused a small stir at AH Forums ! :mask:

you mean these tiny ones ? :lol: :lol:



the original post looked fine ( deceiting innocence ) here : the troubling started after simply quoting a ' looking fine ' post ! Yet you suggests the quoting is nòt messing up ? I got the impression you just ask my attention to fix a simple quote ! ( and: showing up at only óne browser ) :P :lol:

i am using FF, as per my screen shot, and the trouble started because he used outside smilies, which given the current changes will turn to URL's when quoted...

see what i mean now? just a long line stretching all across the screen

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:P :P :P

LoadPlugin: failed to initialize shared library /home/nhussain/.mozilla/plugins/libflashplayer.so [ld.so.1: firefox-bin: fatal: libm.so.2: open failed: No such file or directory]

stupid message, f**k off !! :chair:
the original post looked fine ( deceiting innocence ) here : the troubling started after simply quoting a ' looking fine ' post ! Yet you suggests the quoting is nòt messing up ? I got the impression you just ask my attention to fix a simple quote ! ( and: showing up at only óne browser ) :P :lol:

and i told you too to edit the post Danmark...LOL

even via gtalk:lol:
For those interested in ASOT without DI ... danceradio.gr has it on every Friday at 1pm CST. They don't have a forum, so I suppose we can post here, or make an ASOT thread. Actually, that's not a bad idea. Maybe Polar can do that as he likes setting up that kind of thing and is good at getting it going. (See Birthday Thread) :super: :cat:
hello franz, and element...... :grinning:
Nice! I've heard better dj's but he's good.. Go and take pictures etc, :grinning:
yeah,i´ll try to be there,i just have to call and ask for the ticket price,i hope it won´t be too much expensive:wow:
whenever i run multiple OS's, i get stupid browser related issues... :P :P :P
