20-12-2009 End Of Year Countdown 2009

Which sets did you enjoy?

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THXS bro...!:friends:


dag Acuario51..

dag danmark_ori

I was wonderirng about you a few houras ago my friend!:hug:

:blush: :friends: Could not join the start of this event :grinning:
exactly nibiruflush :clap2: a show I
:super: don't want to miss ! :lol: :) :iagree: :friends: :super:
yeah, what were you doing?:unsure:
awesome as usally, Dan's speak and the first set is always a classic:choon:

:cap: Nice to notice I'm missed :friends: there's allways ' something ' ( one or another ) and I hàd to catch up sleeping after having several night of only 4 hours sleep this week :cry: )​
ori : the ' igloo archives ' :: cat - ollie - n709875932_1650955_2125 . jpg 18-12-2008

yeah i know, my "ollie trance" x-mas hat :lol: this time i have something else around me :lolz:

:grinning: :super: you mean this one ? :cap:
wieeee my best X-mas gift eeeever !!! :mml:


Underground Anthems 2 :clap:

:cap: Nice to notice I'm missed :friends: there's allways ' something ' ( one or another ) and I hàd to catch up sleeping after having several night of only 4 hours sleep this week :cry: )​
yeah, i know what you mean :unsure:
you had a good reason though, that helps a little:smile:
I posted your picture, Kowy. LOL. :mask::cat:
* Now Listening : 1029 ~ 014 Kowy - End Of Year Countdown 2009 on AH.FM *

wieeee my best X-mas gift eeeever !!! :mml:


Underground Anthems 2 :clap:

:wow: :clap2: great picture Ollie ! :good2:
