Official New Users Thread !! say hello

My name is Gocha,i'am 31 and i come from Georgia butt 8 i live in Manchester. i love trance so here i am and looking forward to hear some great music from the different dj's

Greetings all! I'm Skot from Southern California, I'm 23 been listening to trance since 12, love uplifting and vocal trance just found this site a few mins ago great music so far! :]
Hey There I'm Synthetik. I'm 18 and I'm from Kentucky in the United States. I first stumbled upon this site by searching for trance radio. I love all the music played here, I have this AHFM playing almost constantly.
Hello my name is Tomas, im listening from in Vietnam. I work there for the next 2 years.
Im a former deejay on various radio stations such as, Radio Mi amigo 1970, Free Radio Rotterdam 1980, and last . I did roadshows with Radio Veronica in holland. but as we getting older i feel more committed to music. i bumped in to this music and i like it. because here in vietnam I am a guest deejay in discotheek Club Nguyen in Camau Vietnam. and I would like to download this music to introduce to the club i work. Im working here with 12 of my team mates who all like this music. So Im a fan of you guys.
Regards Tomas
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:welcome: all to the place to be :)

very nice to read your comments and where you from etc.. always learn something new about someone... thank you again, please spread the word about AH.FM !!

known about this site for a long time and listened a few times, but never got round to registering. lovely to see an active trance community still around :)

i've not got much of an interesting background story i'm afraid; 25 from nottingham, like to produce tunes and put mixes together. and i have a website!!!1 (which needs a massive overhaul ;\)

looking forward to sharing music & views here :)
Hey y'all!
Forbidden DJ from Estonia is in da house and going to stay here for very long time!

Cheers from Estonia once again!
Hello everybody!

Hello everybody!

I'm all new here and just want to say hi, and that I'm having my first guestmix on C-systems radioshow - Supersystem, 17:00 CET+1 this Sunday :choon:

I'm really looking forward to this!

Have a great weekend!

- Gajda :)
Great Trance Fm

I'v been listening 2 Victoria and i can say that you have the most pro Trance Fm on the net .
Thank you all who give me Joy on Ah Fm

* Welcome Forum Newbie Kuwait ! *

I'v been listening 2 Victoria and i can say that you have the most pro Trance Fm on the net .
Thank you all who give me Joy on Ah Fm

:welcome: Welcome at ka7man ! :friends: :clap2: :super:

Victoria Wood
Victoria Wood
- Discogs Search

hello i am new here
my name is xristos
and i am from greece
i am from a small town two hours from athens "tripolis" but right now i live and study civil engineer in serres a beautiful town next to thessaloniki. i came here while i was searching to buy smart apes music
i am always serching for good music whatever the genre
here in my country people are relying to radios djs and just shops to listen to music and always end up to big selling crap and the worst thing is that they think its gr8
we sure have peole that are gr8 in this field
80% of our population doesnt know what is trance electro dance and stuff they just call it club music cause the listen to it when they go to a club
and there its not like every other club in the world
the set goes like some nice easylistening tracks and then at 2-3 in the morning starts the torture crap greek music for 3 hours
so its very difficult to find good tracks
i am really greatfull to the man who invented internet otherwise i would be one of the sheep in the herd
when i finish uni i dream to go and work to abu dhabi
sorry if got you tired and most of all
sorry for my english
Η trance τα σπαει!!! (translation: Trance rocks)
Hi everyone,

My name is Darryl and I'm from England. I'm 44 and have been into Trance music for nearly 14 years! :music::beer2:
New User - Hi

:super:Hi All I'm new to AH.FM but have been an electronic music fan forever. I live in sunny South Australia. My main love is progressive trance and including uplifting trance. I was wondering if it's possible to link to regular podcasts of the various shows? I did see a paid link, but that was all? Nice to be here and listening to some top class contemporary Trance!!


