I'm a big fan of the idea of sets starting at regular times, so that people know to tune in for them. If you start a set regularly just after people start work or get back from lunch, it'll become natural for them to tune in, it'll just be part of their routing.
The journey from start to finish of a set is nice, but I think it loses its effect if you tune in halfway through, so long two-hour sets aren't necessarily a great idea.
The real problem is time zones. The average weekday starts at 8:30/9:00AM, but you've got four of them coast-to-coast to schedule to...
As for the singles, I like the new stuff. The classics get included in sets often enough to cover my need for them.
As for who to play sets from, I'm in favour of the little guys, the AH locals. I can go elsewhere if I feel the need to hear sets from the "names". Let others do the DJ groupie thing, I just want to hear good music.