all depends what your definition of weird is.
why did the Power Man fail?
because he got owned by particle man, who in turn got owned by triangle man.
why is SEPTember the 9th month instead of the 7th? all depends what your definition of weird is.
why did the Power Man fail?
because he got owned by particle man, who in turn got owned by triangle man.
why is SEPTember the 9th month instead of the 7th?
It got switched with July in the year 2000 because the ancient turtle from Ooglob Dana had enough of the complaints from Billy Saunder in 1895. So now it is the 9th Month. For more info please go to www.OoglobDanaTranceLover.Glop
What can help make a tummy ache feel better?
plastic surgery.
why is rain wet?
plastic surgery.
why is rain wet?
Easy, rain is wet because it is made up of sand. It is a naturally occurring granular material composed of finely divided rock and mineral particles. The same reason why Carrots are orange.
Why war?
because people who want to commit suicide or got bored of life go to war with each other for cheaper oil and stuff.
what date is it today?
octember 36th.
what sucks more than a vacuum cleaner?
Earth's gravity...
why is everything soo depressing? (except for trance )
Santa Claus's naughty list.
What does CHOON ALERT really mean?
Dead Mouse Incoming?
What is DFX?
Death Fornicates on X
Whatchu talkin bout Willis?
no,the day is too cold to be named that way"Carrots are devine... You get a dozen for a dime, It's maaaa-gic!"
shouldn't this thread be called "dumb and dumber"?
no,the day is too cold to be named that way
where is zambalaka located?
the nameNo, I will get sick of Mars and can't return to Earth because i'm vomiting everywhere :grinning:
what is the difference between trance and techno? (seriously i don't really know)
yes because there is no such thing as light chocolate.
how come youtube became one of the most popular website?
cause there was no plug big enough to cover the tube.
why do we have hair?
It means you have to drink milk when you returnso we can wipe our @$$ after we go to the bathroom.
What does income tax return mean?