Post: 250,250
Dear friends,
Got something to tell you. I registered back in May 2006. Joined the Forum here ' fulltime ' in December
2007. From May 2009 up till December 2013: has been a rush !
Has been fun
In 2012 (
#107 ) my idea was to ' lessen ' activity. Combining things. Tried and proved not to work
So after a while all was again ' business as usual '
Now I feel it's time for a more drastic measure
. To finally do other things. Off-line. No drama. Sure: I will still listen to Trance. Got a decent CD collection, many albums waiting for a first listen even
And imagine listening to some sets too, logged in or not logged in. Yet no more posting.
Because I want to focus on other things in life. And I am looking forward to it
Thanks for all cool times spent on the Forum !