What should Lyrics in trance & progressive go about?

What should Lyrics in trance & progressive go about?

  • Love or Love related

    Votes: 21 42.0%
  • Anything else! ( Like what? )

    Votes: 29 58.0%

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AH.FM's Party Beast
Staff member
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
Many Trance & Progressive tunes have Vocals in it. Express your opinion on what Lyrics should go about.
To be honest, I've given this a lot of thought down the years, and I think that the lyrics themselves in music, not just trance, are less important than the voice, the orchestration, the tune itself and so on. Generally what is being said is all but irrelevant providing they sound ok actually singing it.

Music is more powerful in itself than lyrical content in itself really - it's why instrumental music is bigger than poetry and why many bands and artists worldwide make millions while barely being able to string a sentence together.

It's also why the vocals on some trance tunes work perfectly, even if you don't understand them - Chicane - Saltwater for example, or Pulp Victim - The World 99. Both are sung in Gaelic and to this day I've no idea what Maire Brennan is singing about but it doesn't matter to me.

Granted, a vocal tune that does mean something, that does provide an extra emotional impact can work as well (everything by Luminary for example) but essentially I think my point boils down to this:

  • Good music with good vocals is a good tune.
  • Good music with no vocals is a good tune.
  • Good music with bad vocals can be a good or a bad tune, depending on how bad the vocals are.
  • Bad music with good vocals is a bad tune.
  • Bad music with no vocals is a bad tune.
  • Bad music with bad vocals is a bad tune.

Sorry to go all scientific but you'd be amazed how I keep my mind occupied while mixing :lol:
As long as the music and vocals sounds good it's a good tune ofcourse. Only some Love Lyrics give me '' like you're saying'' an extra emotional impact. For example the luminary - my world lyrics.

Good music + good lyrics are more than just a nice song. anyway for in the first place the way it all sounds is most important for me.
For me personally, the beauty of trance lies within its senselessness. Pop music is mostly about some artist (or songwriter) trying to tell the audience something via the lyrics. In trance, the actual message is the music itself. No need for any meaningful vocals or lyrics, the music itself is all that's needed. If there are any vocals, they need to be there to support the tune, and not be the tune. Therefore, it doesn't even matter what the lyrics are about, or even if there are any lyrics. Nonsense vocals are perfectly fine, if they suit the track. And to be honest, for vocals/lyrics that are actually meaningful, I don't really listen to what they're saying...
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well for me since i listen trance, all the lyrics are always about love or love related and some times they are very emotional and suits the occasion, others are very sad.

But my preference goes just for the instrumental trance tuune.

But a instrumental tuune can be emotional too, there are some that brings me emotions really deep from inside me and it's something i can't control it.
To me, lyrics can completely change my feeling for a track. For instance, Dash Berlin - til the sky falls down, I love this track because of the lyrics, as many other tracks. Sometimes, i'm not fan of a melody then, I pay attention to the lyrics and if I like it (i.e lyrics are not totally stupid, coz sometimes, they are lol, lyrics / vocal fits to the beat) then I often love more the track.

to me, the perfect vocal trance track =perfect melody, perfect lyrics (voice ANDDDDDD sense)

But some tracks are better without lyrics.
To me, lyrics can completely change my feeling for a track. For instance, Dash Berlin - til the sky falls down, I love this track because of the lyrics, as many other tracks. Sometimes, i'm not fan of a melody then, I pay attention to the lyrics and if I like it (i.e lyrics are not totally stupid, coz sometimes, they are lol, lyrics / vocal fits to the beat) then I often love more the track.

to me, the perfect vocal trance track =perfect melody, perfect lyrics (voice ANDDDDDD sense)

But some tracks are better without lyrics.

ohh yes Diane, i agree with you, that track Dash Berlin - till the sky falls down has a superb lyrics and very emotional too, i simply love this track and the lyrics
I prefer no vocals in every genre except when its just a hook somewhere.

However when there is vocals love is too cheesey nowadays (it's been overdone in pop), something really unique is what a track needs.

My ideal usage of vocals is Quench - Dreams. The guy just repeats "dreams", nothing more, no cheese, no pop, no blaring supersaw - just entrancement. Back in the heydays of trance (1993).

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I personally think we can´t label it simply by vocals = cheesy ...as everything in music, there are good and bad examples of vocal tracks....it´s more a matter of the track being good in its whole, than about the presence or not of lyrics (either "complete" or "incomplete" lyrics)...
Cheesy is an adjective for particular tracks,and can never be used in a whole style, not just trance....in every music genre, there are good, bad, terrible and amazing tracks...

There are some tracks that are yet more amazing with "incomplete" lyrics, like

Alex MORPH feat. Tashita - Oree - the girl saying Oree in the breakdown is simply amazing..

Or "complete" ones that without lyrics would be kinda raw..

Moonbeam - I Love Mornings
Allure - Somewhere Inside

However, there are some tracks where lyrics are useless, like all Gouryella tracks....or Solar Stone - Seven Cities (Solar Stone´s Atlantis Mix)
However, there are some tracks where lyrics are useless, like all Gouryella tracks....or Solar Stone - Seven Cities (Solar Stone´s Atlantis Mix)
I never even knew there was a vocal version of 7 Cities :lol:

Can't say I'm rushing home to track it down and have a listen though! Some tunes should be left alone I think :)
As for me I don't like too sweet vocals. I like hard, deep vocals if there must be any.

My fav female vocals are in Sia - Girl you lost to cocaine ( SvD ), 'Mr White' and in Chicane - Saltwater.

If it comes to male vocals.. Ugh.. I hate cheesy male vocals like in most of Tiesto tracks or even in Ferry Corstens 'In the dark' or most of Kyau and Albert. I like fast, hard vocals like in 'What the ****' or 'New Feeling' or some deep ones like in 'Cause you know'. I love Depeche Mode style vocals like in Kiko - Slave of my mind.

What about lyrics.. For me if the voice doesn't suit me then lyrics, even if they're the most beautiful or sensual, won't touch me. So it actually doesn't matter what about they are. And.. Don't lie ourselves - every song/lyrics is about love - sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's hide but it's always love.

PS. I have sometimes girly days when I listen only sweet vocal trance and cry... So I'm not made of stone ;)
I personally think we can´t label it simply by vocals = cheesy ...as everything in music, there are good and bad examples of vocal tracks....it´s more a matter of the track being good in its whole, than about the presence or not of lyrics (either "complete" or "incomplete" lyrics)...
Cheesy is an adjective for particular tracks,and can never be used in a whole style, not just trance....in every music genre, there are good, bad, terrible and amazing tracks...

Sure, but vocals about love are overdone and unoriginal

I never even knew there was a vocal version of 7 Cities :lol:

Can't say I'm rushing home to track it down and have a listen though! Some tunes should be left alone I think :)

Besides the atlantis mix (which has an ideal usage of vocals imo, to compliment the instrumental, not outdo it), Armin van Buuren made a vocal remix of it
Sure, but vocals about love are overdone and unoriginal

Besides the atlantis mix (which has an ideal usage of vocals imo, to compliment the instrumental, not outdo it), Armin van Buuren made a vocal remix of it

Yes...and Armin´s mix,although really cheesy, I like...:blush::lol:
i like to hear about love lyrics, maybe personal experiences, about life, etc..

something inspiring and smart like poetry.

and something dirty with style once in a while is not bad :)
i like to hear about love lyrics, maybe personal experiences, about life, etc..

something inspiring and smart like poetry.

You gotta listen to rap music for that :)
the heck with vocals...especially the damn whiny ones, male and female alike...all the love lyrics are cheesy..with very few exceptions the bottom line is...no vocals please :)
the heck with vocals...especially the damn whiny ones, male and female alike...all the love lyrics are cheesy..with very few exceptions the bottom line is...no vocals please :)

ohhh yeah i agree with you, no vocals:super:
the heck with vocals...especially the damn whiny ones, male and female alike...all the love lyrics are cheesy..with very few exceptions the bottom line is...no vocals please :)

full ack :)
exceptions are very rare, and mostly in older tunes... did vocal stuff get worse with time or did my taste change? :P
