ASOT Tune Of The Year prediction

yes, i agree and is my opinion too along with a lot more ppl now, that have given ASOT a chance and finally start to notice the degradation....even the ones that love vocals admitted that this year's Top 20 was ridiculous.....

Why was it "ridiculous"? What impact has that top 20 had on your life? You're speaking as if it's the end of the world because you're favourite tracks didn't feature in it, what does it matter?

If you think Armin putting a load of underground, lesser known tracks in there would somehow make Trance more popular then sorry, I can't see that happening.

It's just a chart, c'est la vi. But do Admins of have to slate Armin on the forum? I don't think that's right personally, talk about clique!
I didn't say it was one person, where did I say it was one person? Quote me.

And that's besides the point, DFX clearly stated on here that Armin is no longer trance, do you agree with this then?

yes, i call it as Tiesto and PvD pop remixers, they are all remixing pop stars or producing just pop music, sorry but is what they're doing nowadays, for example the days when PvD produced good trance is gone.
yes, i call it as Tiesto and PvD pop remixers, they are all remixing pop stars or producing just pop music, sorry but is what they're doing nowadays, for example the days when PvD produced good trance is gone.

What you mean is, "I don't like their music anymore, as they have changed".

You do understand change right? The world has never been static, and never will be. Things change.
What you mean is, "I don't like their music anymore, as they have changed".

You do understand change right? The world has never been static, and never will be. Things change.

what i said is, don't bring pop or rock music to EDM please, they simply don't fit, why aren't they original?
Well that's just speculation and not fact unfortunately, in the same way that me thinking that it's his personal favourites. I associate ASOT with Armin, so in my eye it's Armins view. His fans made him what he is today so for him to bend with them a little isn't such a bad thing is it?

This happens time and time again, it's echoing. Music artist starts off underground, gets a following, releases some tracks, gets a lucky break, makes a name for themselves, attempts to continue their success for as long as possible, gets influence by different things, then gets slated for "selling out". That applies for pretty much any musical artist, someone always starts hating them.

No offence but you dont have to connect asot with armin because there was always an option someone else A B C etc to had their show with the same name!Isnt more correctly to connect ASOT with a radio show that plays trance and progressive trance and generally broadcast EDM around the globe?

And ofcource i agree with you DJS fame is like fireworks they raise in the top and the drops to zero but this is what is happening mostly to those who went number 1 in the dj mag - beside few names ofcource!

Why we have to allow happening this to every dj or producer who become popular by producing and remixing just because they are people out there who thinks that?

For example i can use Tiesto name that few years ago they were worsing him like a god and now the same people doing the same with Armin and they competely destroyed him with this!

We dont need to focus on djs producers stupit dj mag voting or top 20 asots votes and stuff,even that its naturally everyone preferes someone else bit more from other,but we need to focus to the one and only music that united us!

Sorry for all the english mistakes i have done.
what i said is, don't bring pop or rock music to EDM please, they simply don't fit, why aren't they original?

Eh? Then you simply don't understand music and where influence is drawn from.

You're the musical equivilent of a racist.
No offence but you dont have to connect asot with armin because there was always an option someone else A B C etc to had their show with the same name!Isnt more correctly to connect ASOT with a radio show that plays trance and progressive trance and generally broadcast EDM around the globe?

And ofcource i agree with you DJS fame is like fireworks they raise in the top and the drops to zero but this is what is happening mostly to those who went number 1 in the dj mag - beside few names ofcource!

Why we have to allow happening this to every dj or producer who become popular by producing and remixing just because they are people out there who thinks that?

For example i can use Tiesto name that few years ago they were worsing him like a god and now the same people doing the same with Armin and they competely destroyed him with this!

We dont need to focus on djs producers stupit dj mag voting or top 20 asots votes and stuff,even that its naturally everyone preferes someone else bit more from other,but we need to focus to the one and only music that united us!

Sorry for all the english mistakes i have done.

No offence taken, I don't listen to ASOT anyway, and have only glanced over the top 20, mainly because I don't care for anyones top 20, no matter who they are, it doesn't effect me. So my assumption that ASOT = Armin is merely ignorance on my behalf, I apologuise for that.

You're so right there, the fans themselves effect the music and the artist, and for them to avoid this change would be so difficult so they just go with the flow. It's nature I guess?!

Maybe should release their own chart :mask::mask:, I know some of the admins are really passionate about these charts and for me to not understand that I guess is a little disrespectful. I just don't like seeing hating going on all the time, it just creates more hate.

Your english is fine btw, much better than mine today lol!
more comments like this and the thread will be closed.

Why exactly? By definition,

"a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others."

You're basically saying that you don't want any influence on your music from external sources, you're blocking other genres and tastes from flavouring your music. It's a form of predjudice.

Tell me where I'm wrong, please and I'll revert my statement.
No offence taken, I don't listen to ASOT anyway, and have only glanced over the top 20, mainly because I don't care for anyones top 20, no matter who they are, it doesn't effect me. So my assumption that ASOT = Armin is merely ignorance on my behalf, I apologuise for that.

You're so right there, the fans themselves effect the music and the artist, and for them to avoid this change would be so difficult so they just go with the flow. It's nature I guess?!

Maybe should release their own chart :mask::mask:, I know some of the admins are really passionate about these charts and for me to not understand that I guess is a little disrespectful. I just don't like seeing hating going on all the time, it just creates more hate.

Your english is fine btw, much better than mine today lol!

You sounded like you were a big supported and i am supriced now to see you explaining that you are not!

And we dont need any charts over here - MY OPINION - the globe is full with charts and whats the reason to have one over here?Charts for me is just statics nothing more and nothing less!

I havent notice any hating stuff over here and please remember the next time that this is NOT an artist forum
No offence taken, I don't listen to ASOT anyway, and have only glanced over the top 20, mainly because I don't care for anyones top 20, no matter who they are, it doesn't effect me. So my assumption that ASOT = Armin is merely ignorance on my behalf, I apologuise for that.

You're so right there, the fans themselves effect the music and the artist, and for them to avoid this change would be so difficult so they just go with the flow. It's nature I guess?!

Maybe should release their own chart :mask::mask:, I know some of the admins are really passionate about these charts and for me to not understand that I guess is a little disrespectful. I just don't like seeing hating going on all the time, it just creates more hate.

Your english is fine btw, much better than mine today lol!

why you guys are always talking about the admins? they have the right to talk and express what they think as everyone else, they are listeners too, or should we talk only good things? i don't get it why people can't criticize the music style?

I stop my participation here.
You sounded like you were a big supported and i am supriced now to see you explaining that you are not!

And we dont need any charts over here - MY OPINION - the globe is full with charts and whats the reason to have one over here?Charts for me is just statics nothing more and nothing less!

I havent notice any hating stuff over here and please remember the next time that this is NOT an artist forum

haha no not at all. When I first got into trance I was a big Tiesto fan but slowly grew away as I found other DJs and music that I prefered, but I don't hate Tiesto for it, he has achieved wonders.

Anyways, I should probably ease up now as It seems that I'm only stoking the fire; as it were.
Why was it "ridiculous"? What impact has that top 20 had on your life? You're speaking as if it's the end of the world because you're favourite tracks didn't feature in it, what does it matter?

If you think Armin putting a load of underground, lesser known tracks in there would somehow make Trance more popular then sorry, I can't see that happening.

It's just a chart, c'est la vi. But do Admins of have to slate Armin on the forum? I don't think that's right personally, talk about clique!

Lets get few things straight:

-again you are addressing as if i am the only one not liking that Top 20

-this is a thread that was intended to discuss the Top 20 and open for people to express opinions, GOOD or BAD, nobody slated anyone, just a civilized conversation and exchange of opinions

-while you are entitled to your opinion, the same as everyone else, i think your approach and choice of words is creating an unpleasant atmosphere

Eh? Then you simply don't understand music and where influence is drawn from.

You're the musical equivilent of a racist.

this comment is ridiculous in itself

if you are having a bad day, don't take it out on US

and this is my last comment on this subject, i don't see the point of entertaining anyone trying to pick a fight
why you guys are always talking about the admins? they have the right to talk and express what they think as everyone else, they are listeners too, or should we talk only good things? i don't get it why people can't criticize the music style?

I stop my participation here.

Yes I agree, but to a certain extent. The admins are representing, and if Armin got wind of the admins from slagging him off, I'm not sure he would be too happy about that, please correct me if I'm wrong.

Being an admin comes with responsibilities no matter what you are an admin of. :mask:

And I sincerely apologuise if you were offended by my statement earlier, it wasn't meant in the derogatory sence. I should have phrased it differently.
Lets get few things straight:

-again you are addressing as if i am the only one not liking that Top 20

-this is a thread that was intended to discuss the Top 20 and open for people to express opinions, GOOD or BAD, nobody slated anyone, just a civilized conversation and exchange of opinions

-while you are entitled to your opinion, the same as everyone else, i think your approach and choice of words is creating an unpleasant atmosphere

this comment is ridiculous in itself

if you are having a bad day, don't take it out on US

and this is my last comment on this subject, i don't see the point of entertaining anyone trying to pick a fight

Wow, again you make an accusation yet can't back it up with quotes. I'm not pointing fingers at anyone in particular other than my first statements on DFX, which I actually quoted.

Whether you like it or not, you are, so if you slag off Armin, is slagging off Armin.

And i'm not trying to pick a fight, nor am I having a bad day thanks.
And I sincerely apologuise if you were offended by my statement earlier, it wasn't meant in the derogatory sence. I should have phrased it differently.

I dont really understand why you went so upset because it was like someone said something bad for Armin and stuff like that!

I have to say that reading some posts your behavious was.. em you know what i mean!I hope you will relax soon all right? :wink:

and this is the last time i post here it might be some users who will say that i trully messed up this topic sorry again :unsure:
because you're not supposed to call other forum members names.

I think you've misunderstood me completely, and I did try to just give my reasons for saying that, I guess that went un-noticed. I've apologuised to Piccoli, and I apologuise to you if you think I'm having some personal attack at you.
what in the world is going on in this forum...i hope no one is upset
