Announcing the benefits for members who have donated to AH.FM!
We'd like to recognize the support given to this free, high-quality, non-profit radio by our members, and so we've enabled some extra features on supporters' forum accounts. A radio like this is paid for by the owner and donations from the community, and each donation is greatly appreciated!
So, as our way of saying THANK YOU, we're making supporters' accounts a little more special! :thumbsup:
Supporters have the following abilities:
* Custom Name Under Supporter Banner
* Maximum Stored Private Messages: 100
* Maximum Lines in Signature: 4
* Can use links in signature
* Can Use Custom Title
* Can Upload Animated Avatar
* Can Upload Images for Signature (300x80)
* Can Upload Animated GIF for Signature
* Custom Avatar Maximum Width/Height (pixels): 100x100
Not bad, eh?
By comparison, Regular Users get:
* Custom Avatar Maximum Width/Height (pixels): 60x60
* Maximum Stored Private Messages: 30
Cheers to each one of you who have helped to keep this station free and high-quality.