31-03-2007 Afterhours.FM Torrent Server *closed as of Dec 1st 08*

From my point of view leave it to the artist whether sets are allowed to be downloaded or not.
unfortunately the copyright for a DJ set doesn't lie only with the DJ, but also with all the artists, remixers and labels involved with each and every track in the set.
end date

I was able to access the torrents site a day or two ago, but not today. I thought that it was going to stay until the end of the year... Has it been shut down prematurely?
I was able to access the torrents site a day or two ago, but not today. I thought that it was going to stay until the end of the year... Has it been shut down prematurely?

End of November thats what it said on the main page of torrents :)
Re: end date

I was going by this announcement from you:

**Important notice**

As of January 1st 2009 Torrents will be no longer available. On demand will be introduced.

Thank you for understanding.

Is there "On demand" yet?
I was going by this announcement from you:

Is there "On demand" yet?

yes that was the original date set, however it was then changed if you read further along i this thread.

On Demand will start hopefully January 2009... still lots of work to be done.

On the "On Demand" thing, will there be a way to download a set, or somehow get a set on your computer?
On the "On Demand" thing, will there be a way to download a set, or somehow get a set on your computer?

the OnDemand system will only allow you to listen to a certain show that has already been broadcasted :) :mml:
its always nice to download something for your mp3 player.
is that gonna be possible with on demand?
yes that was the original date set, however it was then changed if you read further along i this thread.

On Demand will start hopefully January 2009... still lots of work to be done.

Sorry if I missed a later announcement. Sounds like someone put a gun to your head if the shut down came after one month instead of the planned two, because I was under the impression that "On demand" would be there to take over as soon as torrents were gone....

Not that I really care for the future, because it will always be possible to download those sets from the multitude of free sites out there. Just type the name of a show and DJ in Google (say, "Intercity Lange") with "download OR mp3" and you'll be amazed at the number of hits!
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Sorry if I missed a later announcement. Sounds like someone put a gun to your head if the shut down came after one month instead of the planned two, because I was under the impression that "On demand" would be there to take over as soon as torrents were gone....

Not that I really care for the future, because it will always be possible to download those sets from the multitude of free sites out there. Just type the name of a show and DJ in Google (say, "Intercity Lange") with "download OR mp3" and you'll be amazed at the number of hits!

+1 got point
unfortunately the copyright for a DJ set doesn't lie only with the DJ, but also with all the artists, remixers and labels involved with each and every track in the set.

I dont know enough about legal stuff, but the fact a set has been broadcasted, doesn't it also mean that all the legal stuff must be arranged for the broadcast?

For example when i as a person decide to record a set, that's 100% legal.

Or is the point that the distribution of sets is not allowed?

Thanks for your answers and keep up to good work at ah.fm :choon:
I dont know enough about legal stuff, but the fact a set has been broadcasted, doesn't it also mean that all the legal stuff must be arranged for the broadcast?

yes. what exactly that is depends on the local legislation of the broadcaster, or in other words, on the laws of the country the broadcaster is from. for most countries, the broadcaster needs to pay royalties, usually dependent on how many listeners there are. canada is one of the few exceptions, web broadcasters are freed from paying royalties, and AH hails from canada. this is why AH is fully legal.

For example when i as a person decide to record a set, that's 100% legal.

not necessarily, depends on your local legislation. it's legal in many countries, such as austria or germany (probably NL too), but illegal in others. i'm pretty sure US residents aren't allowed to do so.

Or is the point that the distribution of sets is not allowed?

yes, a download or any other sort of distribution is quite different than recording a set from a broadcast (even if the original source is a recorded broadcast!). again, depends on your local legislation what you're allowed to do and what not. some countries (again probably excluding the US) fortunately have retained some common sense in their laws and "fair use" distribution is still fully legal. however, large scale distribution like a public download doesn't fall under the fair use clause.

the bottom line of this is: while it was legal for AH to offer those sets as downloads (as AH is from canada and canadian laws apply to it), it probably was illegal for many people to actually download them (depending on where they are from). which is the root of all the fuss about the torrents.
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These discussions about the legality of recording streams, up/downloading, and such are purely academic at this point, as there is no enforcement affecting individuals in practice.
These discussions about the legality of recording streams, up/downloading, and such are purely academic at this point, as there is no enforcement affecting individuals in practice.
tell that to the people that are like "omg AH has torrents, they're illegal, stay away!" :P
These discussions about the legality of recording streams, up/downloading, and such are purely academic at this point, as there is no enforcement affecting individuals in practice.

stream ripping is the same as recording a show from TV for later viewing, if the act itself of recording a show was illegal we wouldn't have VCR's and PVR's and whatever else is available out there, stream ripping has been done to death since the times of audio tapes when ppl run to hit that record button when their favorite song came up on the radio, however making those recordings for any other reason than personal use it is illegal, like making them available for download to others or selling them since redistributing copyrighted content or acquiring copyrighted content that you wouldn't otherwise have access to is illegal.

there are two important parts of the copyright law relating to recordings:

First, the basic right of copying is outlined in section 1008:

§ 1008. Prohibition on certain infringement actions
No action may be brought under this title alleging infringement of copyright based on the manufacture, importation, or distribution of a digital audio recording device, a digital audio recording medium, an analog recording device, or an analog recording medium, or based on the noncommercial use by a consumer of such a device or medium for making digital musical recordings or analog musical recordings.

second, and most important part of the DMCA - Digital Millennium Copyright Act as it relates to copying and circumventing copy protection systems:

§ 1201. Circumvention of copyright protection systems2

which is too extensive to reproduce here but the point of it is that is often used to stop distribution of certain copying programs that operates by recording what comes out of the PC speakers, using capabilities built into Windows
the main point of the above post is to reinforce the idea that while we can not control what you chose to do in private, no discussion nor links to stream rips will be tolerated in this forums.
the main point of the above post is to reinforce the idea that while we can not control what you chose to do in private, no discussion nor links to stream rips will be tolerated in this forums.

+1 :)
Again, I want to reassure any individual reading this that they will face no legal trouble for recording/sharing a DJ set publicly. The proof is in all the web sites out there (including other "radio stations" similar to AH.FM) that have such material available for download at no cost.

Of course that doesn't mean that the artists/labels/sites won't get mad at you, but who cares!
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And how are you going to share your recorded set philippe?

( This thread isnt taking us anywhere ... it seems ... )
